Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Mars versus Venus

Sorcha made a comment last night that, "She couldn't get her fighter's brain on". This got me thinking on the differences on how men and women (on average) think.

Vlad or Petranella told me their theory why women can find objects easily and their partners are always asking where they put something. Theory says that during hunter-gatherer times, men did the fighting, and thus their vision is attracted to moving objects, i.e., prey. Women being responsible for finding non-prey food, were exceptional at recalling where food was previously.

My unscientific research confirms this, that men are attracted to motion, and women excel at physical location recall.

What does this have to do with fighting?

If our brains are visually different in the sexes, then, perhaps it becomes more difficult for the gatherer brain to turn on the hunter brain. Or to extend on the hunter-gatherer theory further, because womens roles would be not only food gatherers, but mothers, they would also be multi-tasking constantly. Thus, the singular focus of the "Hunter Brain/Fighter Brain" would be even more difficult for a woman to turn on- or conversely, turning off multi-tasking.

None the less, I have heard plenty of male fighters say, "their head wasn't in the game", so maybe gender bias is just bunk. Although, I have heard much more discussion from female fighters on fighter brain, lizard brain, etc., than male fighters. Male fighters discussions seem to be less concerned with the frame of mind.

I'm interested on other peoples theories on this? How do you get your "fighter brain" on?


Blogger French Fancy... said...

Do you dress up in medieval clothes? Do you have a wimple?

November 29, 2008 7:33 AM  
Blogger Larry M. Brow said...

So now you're fighting other fights, and you have alot to say about the importance of a well-padded helm. Good for you.

March 17, 2009 8:17 AM  

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